The amazing thing you didn't know your table could do.
Have you ever been sitting at home wishing you could practice some of your barefoot moves on your partner or kids, only to find yourself frustrated about bolstering and the challenge of maintaining cervical alignment?
You lie them down prone and prop some towels under their head. Maybe you place a pillow under their chest so they’re up high enough to breathe and maintain alignment, never really feeling entirely satisfied with the results.
This past week I was in Texas for the Barefoot Massage Summer Camp co teaching ROM with Jeni Spring. I jumped on the opportunity to take the Fijian Floor Class while I was there.
It was a great class and a fun week filled with amazing soles and all of the fantastic new material being put out by The Center for Barefoot Massage.
Being surrounded by sole sisters (see last weeks post for all the reasons you should be looking for your own sole sisters!), and talking about different ways to create a comfortable space for Fijian massage as well as home play, Jeni casually mentions that you can drop your table down to the floor.
Not only can you, but it's really simple! My mind was blown. Why hadn't I even thought about it before?! I was so excited about this discovery and how easy it would be to practice massage at home, as well as apply the amazing new Fijian barefoot techniques I had learned, I tried it out right away when I got back to the office.
Drop it like it's hot:
- If you have an Earthlite table, look under the legs to find the end that has the wingnuts on both sides.
- You'll need a phillips screw driver to hold the outside screw while you unscrew the wingnut.
- Unscrew the wingnuts on on end of the table.
- Viola!! Now that the legs are loose and the tension is released from the cords you can fold your legs flat into the table.
- Comfortably massage your partner or kids while watching tv or studying
- Don’t have portables? Grab a chair and your new floor table and take it to your local gym and demo some compression techniques and maybe some ROM strokes that you can pull off without your your bars.
- Practice your amazing new Fijian Massage techniques (classes available at
- Compression and rocking, pulling the erectors away from the spine
- Quad 2 from ROM
- Trap Compression
Well, What will you do with your new toy?! Share with us in the comments below!
See ya next Tuesday TOESday!