Why we mask up

Masks seem to be creating confusion for some people.


I haven’t gotten out much, but I have used Target’s drive up a couple of times and while I’ve waited for my drive up order, I’ve seen lots of people going in and out, not wearing masks.

The employees are all masked up but not the customers and it makes me feel like maybe they just don’t understand what the masks are for.


Cloth masks are worn to keep other people safe.

So I wear a mask for you and you wear a mask for me.

At Target this means that the staff is there making it possible for you to get the goods you need (or want) and they are putting themselves at risk by doing so.

They wear a mask to keep customers safe but customers are disregarding the safety of the workers who are there to make their shopping trip possible.

That’s why at THE SPACE we will be requiring masks.

We know that you respect us and want to keep us safe, just as we want to keep you safe.

How to properly use your cloth mask


Re-Opening Policies and Procedures


A guide to outdoor activities during Covid-19