Maintaining A Beginners Mind
I want to take a minute to talk about having a “beginners mind” with a splash of “remember your scope of practice”
Ashiatsu Massage at THE SPACE in Spokane, WA
Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage is a great way to relax, unwind and treat those tissue issues that cause you pain and limit your ability to enjoy life to the fullest. In this video my friend Spencer of HM Massage explains Ashiatsu from his perspective as I show how the work is done.
3 Tips for a better massage.
Improve your massage game. 3 tips to give a better massage from Spokane’s premier home for couples massage classes.
Get the most out of class with note taking
At the Center for Barefoot Massage, we want to see you be successful in your practice and get the most out of your class. All of our manuals are designed with space for notes. Note taking takes you from a passive to an active learner and allows you to better absorb and retain all of the information you will be processing during class.
THE SPACE in the news
Mariah interviewed by Matt’s Action cam from KHQ local Spokane news prior to the 2017 Spokane Health and fitness Expo.
The amazing thing you didn't know your table could do.
What?!! Did you know you could do this with your massage table?
The Deep Tissue Massage Your Body Craves
Using bars overhead for support and balance, a trained massage therapist will use her feet to deliver deep sustained pressure over the length of your body. Gravity assists the therapist in her work, creating a deep, yet diffused massage that has to be experienced to be fully appreciated
Ashi At The Health & Fitness Expo
Mariah talks to Matt of Matt's Action Cam about Ashiatsu.Don't miss Ashiatsu at this years Health & Fitness Expo!
Foot Health as seen in Spokane/CDA Magazine
Did you know our feet are comprised of 35 joints and 7,000 nerve endings? Together they send information to the brain about where we are going, the terrain we are walking on as well as how our body needs to move, balance and counter balance in order to achieve maximum efficiency. Our feet are designed to carry our bodies where they need to go at any given time.
Who do you think you are?
If you've ever dared...
you've heard the voice in the back of your head asking "who are you?"
Today is the 21st day of meditation for me and it's going really really well. I am up to 17 minutes of silent and sometimes guided meditation and looking forward to the next 79 days.
Deep Feet Instructor Spotlight
I've been featured! Check it out and learn a bit about me and why I do what I do
Self Love Saturday: an open letter to my legs
Dear Legs,
You rock. you climb, you carry, you dance and you play. Without you I couldn't play tag, hike, cycle or any of the things I love to do....What parts of you have you been hiding or hating on? Find some self love and compassion this week
Have you seen this yet?
I made a video for you, all about ashi so you can get a visual understanding of the work I do